Subversion-Resilient Cryptography

Subvert KEM to Break DEM: Practical Algorithm-Substitution Attacks on Public-Key Encryption

Motivated by the currently widespread concern about mass surveillance of encrypted communications, Bellare et al. introduced at CRYPTO 2014 the notion of Algorithm-Substitution Attack (ASA) where the legitimate encryption algorithm is replaced by a …

On the Security of LWE Cryptosystem against Subversion Attacks

Subversion of cryptography has received wide attentions especially after the Snowden Revelations in 2013. Most of the currently proposed subversion attacks essentially rely on the freedom of randomness choosing in the cryptographic protocol to hide …

Security of Auditing Protocols Against Subversion Attacks

In 2013, the revelation of Edward Snowden rekindled cryptographic researchers' interest in subversion attacks. Since then, many works have been carried out to explore the power of subversion attacks and feasible effiective countermeasures as well. In …

Asymmetric Subversion Attacks on Signature and Identification Schemes

Studies of subversion attack against cryptosystem could be dated to several decades ago, while the Snowden revelation in 2013 has set off a new wave of exploring possible approaches to protect or subvert cryptography primitives in practice. Inspired …

Asymmetric Subversion Attacks on Signature Schemes

Subversion attacks against cryptosystems have already received wide attentions since several decades ago, while the Snowden revelations in 2013 reemphasized the need to further exploring potential avenues for undermining the cryptography in practice. …

Cryptographic Reverse Firewall via Malleable Smooth Projective Hash Functions

Motivated by the revelations of Edward Snowden, post- Snowden cryptography has become a prominent research direction in recent years. In Eurocrypt 2015, Mironov and Stephens-Davidowitz proposed a novel concept named cryptographic reverse firewall …