Cryptographic Approaches for Data Security

Message-Locked Searchable Encryption: A New Versatile Tool for Secure Cloud Storage

Message-Locked Encryption (MLE) is a useful tool to enable deduplication over encrypted data in cloud storage. It can significantly improve the cloud service quality by eliminating redundancy to save storage resources, and hence user cost, and also …

Privacy-enhanced remote data integrity checking with updatable timestamp

Remote data integrity checking (RDIC) enables clients to verify whether the outsourced data is intact without keeping a copy locally or downloading it. Nevertheless, the existing RDIC schemes do not support the pay-as-you-go (PAYG) payment model, …

Secure and Fast Decision Tree Evaluation on Outsourced Cloud Data

Decision trees are famous machine learning classifiers which have been widely used in many areas, such as healthcare, text classification and remote diagnostics, etc. The service providers usually host a decision tree model on the cloud server and …

A Practical Authentication Framework for VANETs

In vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), conditional privacy preserving authentication (CPPA) scheme is widely deployed to solve security and privacy issues. Existing CPPA schemes usually require ideal tamper-proof devices (TPDs) on vehicles which, …

Efficient $k$-out-of-$n$ Oblivious Transfer Scheme with the Ideal Communication Cost

n this paper, we propose a two-round k-out-of-n oblivious transfer scheme with the minimum communication cost. In our proposed scheme, the messages sent by the receiver R to the sender S consist of only three elements, which is independent of n and …

Secure Channel Free ID-Based Searchable Encryption for Peer-to-Peer Group

Data sharing and searching are important functionalities in cloud storage. In this paper, we show how to securely and flexibly search and share cloud data among a group of users without a group manager. We formalize a novel cryptosystem: secure …

Server-Aided Public Key Encryption With Keyword Search

Public key encryption with keyword search (PEKS) is a well-known cryptographic primitive for secure searchable data encryption in cloud storage. Unfortunately, it is inherently subject to the (inside) offline keyword guessing attack (KGA), which is …

Anonymous Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption with Revocation for File Sharing

Traditionally, a ciphertext from an identity-based broadcast encryption can be distributed to a group of receivers whose identities are included in the ciphertext. Once the ciphertext has been created, it is not possible to remove any intended …

Dual-Server Public-Key Encryption With Keyword Search for Secure Cloud Storage

Searchable encryption is of increasing interest for protecting the data privacy in secure searchable cloud storage. In this paper, we investigate the security of a well-known cryptographic primitive, namely, public key encryption with keyword search …

BL-MLE: Block-Level Message-Locked Encryption for Secure Large File Deduplication

Deduplication is a popular technique widely used to save storage spaces in the cloud. To achieve secure deduplication of encrypted files, Bellare et al. formalized a new cryptographic primitive named message-locked encryption (MLE) in Eurocrypt 2013. …