One-Round Privacy-Preserving Meeting Location Determination for Smartphone Applications

Fig.1 System model for fair meeting location determination


With the widely adopted GPS technology in mobile devices, users enjoy many types of location services. As a recently proposed application, determining the optimal private meeting location with an aid of a location server has been an interesting research topic. The challenge in this paper is due to the requirements of security and privacy, because user locations should not be revealed to the honest-but-curious or semi-trusted location server. Adding the security and privacy protection to a location service will inevitably introduce computational complexity and communication overhead. In order to introduce robust location service and make this location service practical, we propose an efficient optimal private meeting location determination protocol, which needs only one round communication and light computation. Our proposed protocol satisfies the requirement of location privacy against outsiders, the semi-trusted meeting location determination server, and the semi-trusted group users. In order to study the performance of our protocol in a real deployment, we simulate our scheme on smartphones. The simulation results and the performance comparison with another scheme demonstrate its advantages in communication and computation efficiency.

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
Rongmao Chen
Rongmao Chen
PhD., Associate Professor