BL-MLE: Block-Level Message-Locked Encryption for Secure Large File Deduplication


Deduplication is a popular technique widely used to save storage spaces in the cloud. To achieve secure deduplication of encrypted files, Bellare et al. formalized a new cryptographic primitive named message-locked encryption (MLE) in Eurocrypt 2013. Although an MLE scheme can be extended to obtain secure deduplication for large files, it requires a lot of metadata maintained by the end user and the cloud server. In this paper, we propose a new approach to achieve more efficient deduplication for (encrypted) large files. Our approach, named block-level message-locked encryption (BL-MLE), can achieve file-level and block-level deduplication, block key management, and proof of ownership simultaneously using a small set of metadata. We also show that our BL-MLE scheme can be easily extended to support proof of storage, which makes it multi-purpose for secure cloud storage.

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
Rongmao Chen
Rongmao Chen
PhD., Associate Professor